Trigeneration plant

About the Project
The technological project developed, with a total value of 8 million euros, generates electricity, heat, and cooling (CCHP – trigeneration) using a single installation and a single fuel. In our case, the fuel used is natural gas, the thermal energy produced is process steam, and the cooling is chilled water at 5°C, with an overall efficiency of over 88.37%, different from conventional power plants which have an efficiency ranging between 80-85%.
The results obtained as a result of the investment are:
– Reduction of greenhouse gases. Estimated annual decrease in greenhouse gases of 10,665.41 equivalent tons of CO2/year.
– Installed capacity in high-efficiency cogeneration: 16.63 MW
– Quantity of emissions reduced annually as a result of energy production in high-efficiency cogeneration: 10,663.3 equivalent tons of CO2/year
– Annual primary energy savings obtained through high-efficiency cogeneration: 4,541 thousand toe/year
– Contribution to the POIM target: 232 thousand toe/year (2023) – 1.96%
– Have been recorded savings in primary energy consumption of more than 20%.
The total energy (thermal and electrical) produced by the trigeneration plant will be consumed entirely internally, in our industrial processes.
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020.