• Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Analytical Chemistry
• Macromolecular and Supramolecular Chemistry
• Organic, Bioorganic and Food Chemistry
• Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
• Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials
• Environmental Chemistry
• Plenary lectures – 40 minutes
• Lectures in parallel sections – 20 minutes
• Oral communications in parallel sections – 10 minutes
• Poster sessions
• Workshop
The official languages of the Conference will be Romanian and English. No simultaneous translation service will be provided.
Those who intend to present a lecture/poster should submit an abstract. The original and innovative contributions will be accepted. All papers, oral and poster, will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept or reject the papers and to assign them to either oral or poster presentations. The authors will be informed if their contribution has been accepted. All abstracts will be available on a memory stick and a free copy will be distributed to all registered participants.
Abstracts are required for all Conference contributions.
Authors should submit a one-page abstract line spaced 1.5. Please send the abstract and the registration form as attached documents by e-mail: daniela.marinescu@chimcomplex.com. Please attach the abstract to the e-mail message; do not include the abstract in the main text of your message.
Authors are requested to observe the following criteria:
• Margins of 2.5 cm should be left on all sides of the paper.
• Preferred font should be Times New Roman.
• Title should be written in bold capital letters, 12 pts.
• Names of all authors should be in bold, 12 pts. Please underline the name of the presenting author. • Author’s affiliation and the full address should be given in italics, 12 pts.
• The rest of the abstract should be in 12 pts.
• Formulae, graphics and drawings should be written on the same page.
• References, denoted by superscript numbers in the text, should be listed at the end of the text, in 10 pts, using standard CASSI terminology followed by the year, volume, and page.
• Summaries of papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be made available to conference participants on memory sticks.
Papers selected by the scientific committee may be published, free of charge, in the Revista de Chimie
August 15, 2022 – deadline for registration and for abstract submission
August 31, 2022 – notification on abstracts acceptance
September 15, 2022 – deadline for fee payment
September 20, 2022 – second circular.
During the National Chemistry Conference, the Romanian Chemical Society will award the following prizes:
· The Romanian Chemical Society Award for the entire activity
· The Romanian Chemical Society Award for promoting chemistry
· The Romanian Chemical Society “LYCEUM” Award
To determine the laureates for the three Awards, the Presidents of the SChR Branches are invited to send nominations, accompanied by the recommendation of the Branch and the CV
of the proposed laureates, to the email address secretargenschr@icmpp.ro, by August 15th, 2022.
The Romanian Chemical Society has decided to support the participation of 10 young students/doctoral students/researchers under 30 years of age and who have not received other
financial support from SChR, by paying the participation fee. The request for this support needs to be made by sending the summary of the candidate’s work, a copy of the ID and the CV to the email address secretargenschr@icmpp.ro by August 15th.
Bogdan SIMIONESCU – Chairman – Romanian Academy
Virgiliu BANCILA – Chimcomplex
Corneliu RADU – University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Marius ANDRUH – Chairman – Romanian Academy
Ecaterina ANDRONESCU – University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Mihaela BADEA – University of Bucharest
Calin DELEANU – CCO Costin D. Nenitescu
Petru FILIP – CCO Costin D. Nenitescu
Gheorghiţa JINESCU – University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Marcela MIHAI – ICMPP Iasi
Michaela Dina STANESCU – AUREL VLAICU University of Arad
Georgiana STAVARACHE – Chairman – Chimcomplex
Elena DAVID – ICSI, Rm. Valcea
Amalia IONESCU – Chimcomplex, Rm. Valcea
Daniela MARINESCU – Chimcomplex, Rm. Valcea
Adriana MARINOIU – ICSI, Rm. Valcea
Each participant will receive: the program, the summaries of the works on the memory stick, the lunches for October 5 – 7, the cocktail, the coffee break and the inclusion in the program of a work for each participant. Any additional work will be charged with 200 RON. The accompanying person’s fee includes lunches for October 5 – 7, cocktail, coffee break.
Participation fees do not include accommodation and dinner. The fees will be paid in the account of the Romanian Chemical Society, RO35RNCB0082044182600001, opened at BCR Unirea (name and surname of the author underlined in the abstract, who presents the paper).
Companies are invited to present equipment, products and promotional materials.
Participation fee: 1500 RON / company. The fee includes space for displaying the equipment and display panel, access to the program and abstracts of works. A representative of the company will have provided lunches for October 5-07, the cocktail and coffee break.
Several rooms in hotels Cozia, Oltul and Caciulata have been booked at preferential rates for the Conference. Please submit your accommodation request on e-mail: calimanesti_caciulata@yahoo.com (Please indicate for National Chemistry Conference -2022).