Current report 31102023
1 noiembrie 2023
Current share buyback notification report 23-2710
30 octombrie 2023
Current share buyback notification report 16-2010
23 octombrie 2023
Current share buyback notification report 09-1310
16 octombrie 2023
Current share buyback notification report 02-0610
9 octombrie 2023
Current report AGEA decision 03102023
4 octombrie 2023
Current share buyback notification report 25-2909
2 octombrie 2023
Current share buyback notification report 18-2209
25 septembrie 2023
Current Report Transactions Info 2009
20 septembrie 2023
Current Report Transactions Info 1909
19 septembrie 2023
Current share buyback notification report 11-1509
18 septembrie 2023
Current Report Transactions Info 0809
12 septembrie 2023
Current report September 11 2023
Current share buyback notification report 04-08092023
11 septembrie 2023
Current Report Transactions Info 07-0809
8 septembrie 2023
Current share buyback notification report 30082023-01092023
4 septembrie 2023
Current Report EGMS October 03 2023
31 august 2023
Current Report Decision no 8 Board 29082023
30 august 2023
Current Report Decision no 5 Board 29082023
Current report 23082023
24 august 2023
Current Report OGMS 31072023
1 august 2023
Current Report Interim Dividends Payment CRC 2022
10 iulie 2023
Current Report OGMS June 28 2023
30 iunie 2023
Current Report OGMS June 21 2023
21 iunie 2023
Current Report EGMS June 21 2023
Current report 15052023
16 mai 2023
Current Report OGMS June 21, 2023
15 mai 2023
Current Report 28042023
2 mai 2023
Current Report OGMS decision April 27 2023
28 aprilie 2023
Current Report OGMS April 27 2023
24 martie 2023
Raport rezultate preliminate 2022 ASF CRC
28 februarie 2023
Preliminary Results Report 2022 ASF CRC
Current Report 28022023
Current Report Transactions Info January 4 2023
4 ianuarie 2023
Current Report Transactions Info December 30 2022
30 decembrie 2022
Current Report Transactions Info December 27 2022
27 decembrie 2022
Current Report Transactions Info December 22 2022
22 decembrie 2022
Current Report Transactions Info December 21 2022
21 decembrie 2022
Current Report Transactions Info December 19 2022
19 decembrie 2022
Current Report Transactions Info December 14 2022
15 decembrie 2022
Current Report Interim Dividends Payment CRC 2022
14 decembrie 2022
Current Report Transactions Info December 9 2022
9 decembrie 2022
Current Report Transactions Info December 7 2022
7 decembrie 2022
Current report buy back shares November 21-25, 2022
28 noiembrie 2022
Current report buy back shares November 14 – 18, 2022
23 noiembrie 2022
Chimcomplex Financial Result on September 30 2022
16 noiembrie 2022
Current Report Financial statements for the period ended on 30092022
Current report financial statements for the period ended on 30.09.2022
15 noiembrie 2022
Chimcomplex announces changes to the executive team and Mr. Stefan Vuza taking over the position of CEO
10 noiembrie 2022
Raport curent completare ordine de zi AGOA 28112022
7 noiembrie 2022